Getting MySudo to work on GrapheneOS



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    Jack - TeamSudo

    Thanks for the feedback Hawkman.

     In regards to #1 above,  We have found that this issue occurs mostly with long lived Sudos (ie. Sudos created 3+ years ago) We are making some improvements to QR code transfer function and are hopeful  this will improve in our next update.  In meantime some users have reported attempting the transfer a 2nd time resolved the issue.

    In regards #2, yes this is current limitation running on GrapheneOS with no Google services.  We are exploring options to improve this.  Of course installing some of the sandboxed google services (not all) will resolve this limitation.


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    Jack - TeamSudo

    From our internal testing, please find below some high level instructions on how to install MySudo on base GrapheneOS with no sandboxed Google Play Services.  

    Please note that GrapheneOS is not an officially supported MySudo operating system and therefore there are no guarantees that all functionality will perform in the same manner as if running on the Android OS.  These instructions are provided for informational purposes and goodwill to the community.


    1. Requires 2 devices

      1. Standard iOS/Android device running latest version of MySudo

      2. Device that runs GrapheneOS

    2. Need to purchase a MySudo plan from either Apple App Store or Google Play Store on a standard iOS or Android device (recommend purchasing an annual plan)

    Steps (for minimum support)

    1. Download and side-load MySudo APK on GrapheneOS - see APK links below

    2. Launch MySudo on GrapheneOS

    3. On the introduction screen tap on “Import existing MySudo account”

    4. On Standard device, open MySudo, tap on “Settings>Backup & Restore/Export>Export to Another Device”

    5. Use QR Code transfer method to export/share the MySudo account from standard device(iOS/Android) to the GrapheneOS device - see how to access MySudo from multiple devices

    APK Files:

    Current Limitations

    Running MySudo on base GrapheneOS without any sandboxed Google Play services has the following limitations:

    1. MySudo will not allow for purchase of subscriptions on a GrapheneOS device.

    2. Subscriptions must be purchased on the standard device (iOS or Android).  The purchased subscription will be synched to the Graphene device given it is in a multi-device sharing scenario with the standard device as per QR code account transfer instructions above. 

    3. Push notifications will not work on the GrapheneOS device (including incoming calls).

    4. Sudo names and Sudo labels may not transfer across for long lives Sudos (created 3+ years ago).  This issue will be resolved in the next MySudo update.

    We are currently exploring options for some of the limitations above.  

    In the meantime if desired, you can remove these limitations by installing some of the "sandboxed" google services on GrapheneOS.

    To allow push notifications and incoming calling:

    1. Install the sandboxed Google Services Framework APK (

    2. Install the Google Mobile Services APK (

    To allow direct purchase of subscription from GrapheneOS:

    1. Install sandboxed Google Play Store (

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    Jack R.

    This is what I'm getting on GrapheneOS with Play Services installed using the apk you provided:

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    Jack R.

    This is what I'm getting with the Play Store version:

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    Jack R.

    I even turned off battery optimization and gave it all the permissions which I have never had to do for any other app.

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    Jack R.

    Lol the app won't even let me sign up yet I've noticed it accesses my contact book on quite a regular basis:

    I really don't think you guys are as privacy-friendly as you're making yourselves out to be.

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    Jack - TeamSudo

    Jack, it appears that you have encountered a registration issue when installing on GrapheneOS and Android.  I would suggest that you review this article:


    If the conditions in the article dont apply to you, please contact our support team so we can dig deeper into your issue.

    Note: you cannot install & create an account directly on GrapheneOS, you must follow the steps in the post above and QR code transfer your account to the GrapheneOS device. 😬

    In regards to contacts, during installation we do prompt the user to ask permission to access the device contacts.  This is purely for the convenience of the user so they can easily call/message their known contacts and/or to resolve incoming calls/messages from known contacts. Only the user can grant permission to the contacts. I assume what you are showing above is a call to contacts to determine if we have access/permission, however I will clarify with our technical team.

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