When a transaction is declined, you should see a "Declined" transaction in the transaction details for the card. This will also give the reason the virtual card was declined.
If the online merchant declines a MySudo virtual card, check that you correctly entered all the virtual card details on the merchant's website: 16 digit card number, expiration, CVV and billing address.
If this information is correct, then some other things to consider are:
The merchant may not accept MasterCard credit cards .
The merchant is not US-based.
The merchant is not charging in US dollars.
You may have reached the $350 daily limit.
The maximum amount for a single transaction is $250 and you may be exceeding this limit.
You may have had insufficient funds available in your funding source at the time you attempted the transaction with the merchant using your virtual card. We charge your funding source at the time you perform the transaction with the merchant.
Sometimes banks block some transactions, and this might include those from your MySudo virtual card. Contact your bank to notify them that you expected the transactions and you’d like them to be processed.
You may be trying to buy products that are not permitted with MySudo virtual cards. Under our Terms of Service, purchases cannot be completed with businesses or services in these categories: gambling, betting, lotteries, cash disbursement, quasi-cash, money transfer, foreign currency exchange, securities, pornography, dating and escort services, firearms, alcohol and liquor, telemarketing, multi-level marketing or any illegal activities.
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